
England footballer Declan Rice’s incredible smile transformation with Dr. Sadiq at Orchard Orthodontics has just been featured in the Daily Mail!

Functional braces

Our functional braces are designed to correct an overbite, common in teens and young adults, whose teeth and jaw are still growing. These removable braces are very effective at lessening the prominence of the upper front teeth and can also reduce the need for extractions.

How do they work?

An overbite occurs when your front teeth protrude over your bottom teeth. And the twin block functional braces we use are precisely positioned to gently move your lower jaw forward when you close your mouth. Over time, your jaw will grow forward, permanently correcting an overbite.

To get the best results from functional braces, it is recommended you wear your appliance for approximately 9 to 12 months. However, every case is different so we’ll advise you how long you’ll need to wear it as part of your treatment plan.

 How do they work?

Benefits of functional braces

  • Can be removed to eat, brush, and floss
  • Reduced need for extractions
  • Compatible with fixed braces
  • Customised for your smile and jaw
  • A gentle way to permanently correct overbites

 Benefits of functional braces

Are your teeth forward?

If you or your child have an overbite, functional braces may be a gentle, effective solution. Book a free consultation to learn more about your treatment options today.

Book a free consultation

 Are your teeth forward?

Book a free consultation

Your first consultation is completely free and there’s no obligation to go ahead with treatment.

By clicking ‘book now’ you are agreeing to our privacy policy.


Who will i meet?

Your free consultation will take place with Yeshim, our Treatment Coordinator. She will explain the treatment process, including timeframe and costs.


What will happen?

Our knowledgeable team will take a look at your teeth and jaws to determine what type of treatment would be best suited to your needs.


When can i visit?

Once we receive your details, we’ll get in touch to arrange a time and date to see you, so you can take the first step to a straighter smile.